How To Read Your Meter

Most of our meters have digital indexes, and thus are easy to read. However, there are still many older meters remaining in the gas system that have a dial index, which is a little more difficult to read. The graphic and instructions below should make it easier for you to understand, but if you still have questions, feel free to contact us at (865) 483-1377 or toll-free at (888) 483-1377.

Natural Gas Meter Reading

Each dial is different from the one next to it because the numbers run in different directions. One dial will start out with the number (1) going clockwise, while the dial next to it will start out with the number (1) going counterclockwise. Much like a clock, when the dial to the right completes its rotation, the dial to its left has moved up one digit.

Looking at the figure above:

Dial 1 would read the number four (4) since the dial has passed the four (4) going counterclockwise.

Dial 2 would read the number nine (9) since the dial is past the nine (9) and not yet reached the zero (0) going clockwise.

Dial 3 would read the number one (1) since the dial has passed the one (1) and not yet reached the two (2) going counterclockwise.

Dial 4 would read the number eight (8) since the dial is nearest the eight (8) going clockwise.

When the dial is directly on top of a number then look to the dial on the right. If that dial is past the zero (0), then go to higher number. If it is not past the zero (0), then go to the lower number.

Complete Reading= 4918